Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Amended Gala Menu

Due to an incident in the kitchen, the catering for the Grand Opening Gala has been significantly restricted. However, our extra shipment of tongue depressors has arrived on time and Red Shirt's condition has been stablized.

With Evie's help and supervision, GIR has begun putting up decorations for the party. Torbjorn, who proved so useful in refurbishing the operating room, has not returned since he and Evie had a discussion yesterday afternoon. I get the impression they've had a falling out, but all Evie cares to say about it is that they've "grown apart."

Minion 23 has been making constant visits to the infirmary in the past two days. After cessation of treatments with my first serum, the lactation has stopped. I can find no reason for his visits, but he keeps insisting that he needs Evie to give another shot. While I find no evidence of it in his charts, he insists that he is behind on his vaccinations. He refuses to let me administer the injections, citing the coldness of my hands as the reason.

Today alone Minion 23 has been vaccinated for smallpox, Ebola, polio, cowpox, and the Black Death. Minion 23 is looking rather unsteady on his feet. Evie has offered to help him into a chair, and he seems to be having trouble letting go of her. Hrm... must be an vaccine interaction problem. Perhaps I should begin work on--

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