Friday, May 2, 2008

Post-Gala Report

I am pleased to say that the Grand Opening Gala was quite the event. We had a good minion turn out and completely ran out of tongue depressors. I wore a pair of gloves to keep my hand from being cold, though they did get badly stained with fruit punch.

Evie and I both feel that we've made a positive stride forward in PR here at the bunker. A couple of minons even requested that Evie take their blood pressure. Some irregularities there, by the way, I must look into it.

I am quite pleased, as well, at the number of minions who volunteered to stay after the gala and help Evie tidy up. At the rate they're going, the infirmary should be spotless in no time.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Um, Doctor? The minions are still "helping" Evie. If I can catch her eye, I will signal her to cover her ears. Then I'll emit the Scream of Deafening and Pain to immobilize the other minions.

Will remove Evie to safe location.